March 2022 Concert  Promotions

The Cecilia Chorus

On March 25, 2022, The Cecilia Chorus of New York performed the world premiere of With Streaks of Light by Carolonie Mallonee, the U.S. premiere of Ophelia Solo by Nicolas Bacri, three pieces from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, and Along the Field by Ralph Vaughan Williams at the Church of St. Francis Xavier.

As the Marketing and Publicity Chair, I developed and led a team of over 20 volunteers in a multimedia marketing campaign.

Creative Director: Ben McCoy
Copywriters: Ben McCoy
Designers: Ben McCoy, Margaret Hall 
Webmaster: Jacob Strohm 
Mailchimp Specialist: Bob Brokaw
Social Media Coordinator: Colleen Owen
Press Coordinator: Stephanie Madden
Press Liaison: Jeff James
DEI Reviewers: Beverly Brooks
Proofreaders: Aithne Bialo Padín